How do you like playing your favorite casino games for hours every day of the week and never losing? How would you like to spend more time at a posh casino and even win more often? You won't be allowed to keep your winnings, but you get paid for it. Because gambling will be your job. We're about to take a peek into the world of gambling, but this time from the other side of the table. Here's everything you ever wanted to know about becoming a casino dealer and dealing cards for a living.

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Croupiers: job description and types of croupiers

You've seen them in land-based casinos, you've seen them in live casinos - croupiers seem to live the dream life. Then when you see one smiling too often and winning all the time, you probably think to yourself; it's not a job, it's child's play. But is having a good face and being good at cards enough? We'll look at the specific skills needed to get a job as a croupier and become good at it. We'll also tell you all about the different types of croupiers and try to answer the question, "How much do croupiers earn in tips?".

The qualities and skills of a good croupier

First, croupiers should be friendly and polite to make the customer feel comfortable. Secondly, they should feel dedicated to their job and, more importantly, entertain people. Third, they should be able to concentrate on the game for long periods of time and handle stress well - remember, for example, that croupiers have to do basic counting quickly. Fourth, they simply have to be socially capable to be - an introvert won't get far in this area. Finally, they have to look good. In general, a good croupier is also a good multi-tasker, in addition to being professional and friendly. And if you're wondering "Do you tip croupiers?" the answer is unequivocal yes! We're not overly superstitious players, but when a croupier hands us good cards and brings us luck, I think first to give him or her a good fat tip!

Croupiers of certain games

Let's now look at the types of croupiers. Firstly; there are different types of croupiers depending on the games they work with. You can find one job advert for a blackjack croupier and another for a roulette croupier etc. However, it is much more likely that croupiers have more than one type of game to work with.

Live croupiers

A very popular type of croupier nowadays is the live croupier or "real croupier". They can usually be found at the best online casinos and greatly enhance the gaming experience. There's something special about these casino dealer jobs: you don't need to be good at maths as the computer will take care of the winning hands, numbers and payouts. However, you also need to look flawless in extreme close-up shots in bright lighting and in front of multiple cameras.

Croupiers on a cruise ship

Many people think of this type of croupier when they think of work in general and for good reason. Being a croupier on a cruise ship has many advantages. On the one hand, there is the opportunity to travel the world and see beautiful places that you wouldn't otherwise be able to afford. On the other hand, it's one of the highest-paying job options a croupier can get - not only can you expect a better salary on a cruise ship, but the tips should be much nicer as well. In addition, the income is tax-free. You also get a uniform and probably all meals for free. What's more, people get on a cruise ship to have fun, so they're less likely to get angry, even if they hit a losing streak. There are even websites - - where you can find casino jobs all over the world.

Benefits of being a professional croupier

If you get a job as a croupier, you can accumulate stacks of chips and keep them, at least while you're at work. Putting jokes aside, you've probably already realized the benefits of being a croupier. Nevertheless, here are all the perks summed up for you:

  • You can start with practically nothing and build a career if you work hard and do your job well.
  • You can expect to receive attractive tips that will really make a difference to your pay stub.
  • In a certain way, how you work and how you treat people determines how much you earn. This means that your pay depends on you - an advantage you won't find in every job.
  • As far as working hours are concerned, this job is ideal for those who don't like to get up early or those who like to sleep through the night. However, even if that's not the case, you can still be satisfied with the work schedule, as most casinos are open 24/7 and you'll probably be able to catch the right changes.
  • You work in a fun place - there's something to being a place of entertainment that emphasizes the positive aspects of life, even if you're not the type to hit the huge jackpot.
  • Last but not least, you can see the world and it will even cost you a lot of money. You can work on one of the cruise ships, but there are land-based casinos in exotic places.

The disadvantages of being a professional croupier

Although it may sound like a lot of fun, croupiers have certain disadvantages that, for the sake of objectivity, we can't ignore. But; what is a loss for one may be a gain for another. So don't despair if you have already decided on this profession. Because even if you have, it can be useful to look at the disadvantages of being a daily croupier.

  • You'll probably have to start at minimum wage. Although you can move up the ranks in as little as two years and perhaps make up for the lower wages with excellent tips, don't expect tips and sizes that you would get in a famous London casino.
  • You may need to get a degree or training, which you will have to pay for yourself. There are croupier schools and on-the-job training options. If you choose the former, check the school's references. In the UK there is even a special professional qualification for gaming operations.
  • In some countries, a license is required. For example, in the UK you must have a license issued by the Gambling Commission, which includes approval from the government regulator.
  • You can't afford to be distracted, no matter how repetitive the work may be. By the way, yawning at your desk doesn't look good either.
  • Working nights are not for everyone and can severely affect your sleep and disrupt your circadian rhythm.
  • Unhappy players can become aggressive - they may even try to physically attack the croupier. Live croupiers aren't safe either - some really clever people might come up with a plot that they record and then upload to the internet for all the world to see.
  • Subsequently, you are bathed in the abundance of the casino world and may become a victim of gambling problems yourself.

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